High Grove Solar Project  logoHigh Grove Solar Project


  • Pre application

    Q3 2024




    Q3 2025

    Prior to submitting our application, we will conduct two consultations. This includes this early (non-statutory) consultation, as well as a statutory consultation early next year, on refined proposals and preliminary environmental information. Engagement will be ongoing throughout the process. We will then proceed to submit an application for a DCO in Autumn 2025.
  • Acceptance






    The Planning Inspectorate has 28 days to review the application and decide whether to proceed to the next stage. They will consider whether all relevant documents have been submitted and consultation has been adequate.
  • Pre examination






    Once our application has been accepted, we must publicise this and explain how people can register to become Interested Parties. Interested Parties will be kept informed of progress and opportunities to make representations or speak at public hearings. The Planning Inspectorate appoints an Examining Authority who hold a Preliminary Meeting to discuss how and when the application will be examined.
  • Examination






    The application undergoes period of examination which usually lasts six months. The Examining Authority gathers and reviews evidence and views, including supporting evidence provided by RWE, statutory consultees and representations made by Interested Parties. There may also be a small number of hearings, including an open floor hearing, at which members of the public can register to attend and speak.
  • Recommendation & decision






    The Examining Authority makes a recommendation to the Secretary of State on whether or not to grant development consent. This must be done within three months of the end of the examination period. The Secretary of State then typically has three months to make a decision.
  • Post-decision






    There is a six-week period for the decision to be legally challenged. This process is known as Judicial Review. If the DCO is made and there are no successful legal challenges, RWE would then be permitted to develop the site in compliance with the provisions in the DCO.